
"In the blue wih the blue" - Dive the Azores

Tubarão Azul: http://www.divetheazores.com/sharkdiving.html
"The Azores have been unveiled as one of the best destinations in the world to dive up close and personal with the Blue shark in blue water, making this dive one for the logbook. The chance to interact with these amazing species in open water and not confined to cage is a truly exhilarating experience and one dive you will never forget. We also frequently encounter the short fin mako on our shark diving adventure, which is a privilege sighting for any diver. To safely dive with sharks knowledge, skills, discipline and extreme care are required. All divers attending our Adventure Shark Dive are given a fully certified SSI presentation on shark behaviour and shark diving conduct to ensure safe shark diving."

The Blue
Shark Experience
Foto de Nuno Sá - http://visao.sapo.pt/fotos-mergulhar-com-tubaroes-nos-acores=f681917
"Prionace glauca, is a carcharhinid shark which inhabits deep waters in the world's temperate and tropical oceans. They feed primarily on small fish and squid, although they can take larger prey. Blue sharks often school segregated by sex and size, and this behavior has led to their nickname "wolves of the sea". Blue sharks are light-bodied with long pectoral fins. The top of the body is deep blue, lighter on the sides, and the underside is white. It grows to 3.8 meters long and can weigh up to 204 kilograms . The highest reported weight was 391 kilograms. They are easy to distinguish from other sharks."
Relationship with humans


"Blue sharks are the most heavily fished sharks mainly as by-catch It is estimated that 10 to 20 million individuals are killed each year as a result of fishing. Blue sharks are not considered an aggressive species. Most interactions take place in deep water and on small boats as they rarely venture close to shore."
To know more about diving with sharks see the website:
Fonte: http://www.divetheazores.com/sharkdiving.html

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